A Digital Storytelling Tool : Make Beliefs Comix


Hello everyone, I want to introduce you a digital storytelling tool called Make Beliefs Comix. You probably know what a comic is. This tool is totally about comics. It shows us how to make English learning enyojable with a little creativity. So, Make Beliefs Comix actually appeals to the younger students. It develops reading and writing skills of students through comics.

Let me show you how to create a comic through this site.

 Here are our comic panel. Wou can build a comic story of up to 9 panels by clicking on the box with a plus (+). If you don’t like how the panel you are working on looks, delete it by clicking on the negative box (-) at the top left over the panels. There are some options at the bottom of the panel. You can add so many characters, speech ballons, some objects, clip arts and so many backgrounds. Actually you can reflect your mind in any way from here. 
This is my comic : 

 I know this is so basic sample but you can create more informative or enjoyable one. In this site, actually the creativity of the student is more prominent than the teacher's creativity. Make Beliefs Comix appeals to younger students in terms of its pre-created characters. Students dont need to do so much things. One thing to do is using their own creativity. 
Make Beliefs Comix cares children who have special needs. 

Humour and visuals can easily reach children with autism. Also children who are deaf create a comic to show how to cope in difficult listening situation. This website helps children who are stutter to practice fluency techniques. 

In the future, I will use this website to assign my students. For example, I gave a lesson and the topic was The Simple Present Tense. Students can do a task by making a comic related to that topic. Both students enjoy and they learn. So, Make Beliefs Comix is effective for every child.

I made this tool's presentation with Hale. You can read her post here.


