
Mart, 2018 tarihine ait yayınlar gösteriliyor

A Book Review

Hello guys! I made a Wiki page about a book that I read before. The book's name is The Kite Runner. It is so impressive one for me! I gave some info about it.  Don't worry. Spoiler-free. I'll leave a link that you  can enter and read my thoughts.     Here is the link: The Kite Runner - The Book Review


Hello my friends! This time I will talk about another topic, that is, PODCASTING! We became a pair with Hale and we selected the option which is related to singing song about a story/tale or something else. We decided to singing a song about the Ant and the Cicada and we prepared a poem. We read the poem with a song. We actually had fun a lot. I hope you will enjoy. :) Here is the link : https://vocaroo.com/i/s0UnDrocbMQu

21st Century Learning

In today’s world, we have a lot of opportunity to learn a language.For example, through listening an audio on radio or internet, we can improve our listening and speaking skills. Technology has a big role in learning a language. This puts the 21st century teacher in a critical point. Therefore, teachers should keep up with technological changes.  The 21st century is a time of rapid change, and while the brain may not be changing, the tools we use to feed it are. Technology is constantly emerging around us, and expected to be part of every student's learning experience. For example, the smartboards   that used in class are very useful for both the teacher and students. If learners’s brain and body are on the move, they can learn more easily. Let’s think about a teacher, he always gives a lesson by speaking monotonically or always reads something from his notes. Learners are getting bored. However, let’s think another teacher who always make learners go to the smartbo


Firstly welcome to all. In today's world, technology is so important for us. When it comes to education, technology is also important. I am curious about what technology brings to our life. I really research on this topic. That's the purpose of my blog. I tell you a lot of things about that. And as a future teacher, of course I will be studying on education aspect of technology. We have a lot of opportunity to learn anything because of technology. Technology has a lot of dimension actually. The Projector, blackboards, smartboards, Internet, Youtube.. etc. Of course the most popular one is Internet. Even new words emerged because of internet. Youtuber, to google.. etc. Whatever, don't worry! We'll talk about them. See you!


Hello guys! I am Beril from Istanbul/Turkey. I am studying at Marmara University, and the department which I study is English Language Teaching! I'm at 19. I have been living in Istanbul for 2 years. I love learning a language and teaching a language. For the time being I can teach only English. If I learned another language, I would want to teach it also. In my social life, I am travelling so much, especially in Istanbul. My taste in music is so variable. I can listen pop or rock, folk song or rap. It depends on my instant mood. See you in my other posts!